2018 bids us farewell in a truly festive atmosphere. It is not just the Christmas lights, the gifts exchanged and Christmas spirit altogether. It is also the fact that December has brought us 3 awards in total! After receiving two distinctions at the e-volution awards, National Customer Service Awards 2018 came to acknowledge our continuous effort to provide service of the highest quality standards, constantly growing the community of happy.people.online!
The Hellenic Customer Service Institute (HCSI), awarded the companies, organizations and executives that set Service as top priority for the 9th consecutive year, in a glamorous ceremony that has already turned into top institution in the business industry.
The date has been set on December 13th, at Megaron – The Athens Concert Hall. Our participations had been submitted several weeks before, we had made it to the finalists and our representative team had already gathered in Athens, anticipating for the results. Nikos Ipofantis and Grigoris Arnaoutoglou welcomed us in high spirits and presented to us this year’s theme, which was none other than! We were in fact urged to answer a humorous questionnaire respectively.

Next was the presentation of the sponsors, among which stood Enartia Group, Papaki’s Group of Brands! Throughout the event, there was simultaneous interpretation in Greek Sign Language by Nefeli Rantou, PhD in Athens University and Greek Sign Language interpreter.
Before the announcement of the grand winners of the evening, HCSI President, Mr. Frank Thibaut called Mrs. Agapi Papadaki on stage, as the Head of the Program for Early Intervention at AMIMONI, Association for Visually impaired people with additional handicaps, to receive the honorary “HCSI Award” for planning and implementing the first Playground in Greece for kids with visual impairment and additional handicaps.
The award
And… this brings us to the awards! Categories were only 11, while there were many companies claiming victory. Our suspense is substantial every single time. Quality customer service may be the backbone of our company and the core of our activities, but this does not mean that competition was not great. Even though we had been awarded before in the past, anxiety is not something one gets easily accustomed to, in anticipation of the results.
We had managed to be finalists in two categories. The first one had to do with Innovation in Customer Experience (Small Organization). Irene Papadaki, Head of our Group’s Service Department stood up and waited for the outcome, along with the two other finalists.

After a selfie with Grigoris Arnaoutoglou, the winner was announced. Although it was not us, our spirit continued to be high of course! We fiercely applauded and cheered for Βraincandy Group, the winner of this category and we smiled genuinely and widely, knowing that it was a great honor just being in the final three.
The evening went by smoothly, with awards being given and finalists filled with content, as their efforts had been acknowledged. In fact, a little after the middle of the event there was our award that was handed over. We are talking about the “Enartia Award, Team of the Year: Customer Service (Big Organization)”! We firmly believe in the dynamics of the team; hence we could not help but feel proud for this sponsorship. Alpha Bank won the award.

Just before the end, it was our time again to raise from our seats and see if we would receive the Gold. The Category was Organization of the Year, Customer Service (Small Organization)! Irene Papadaki continued on in great spirit and chatted humorously with Grigoris Arnaoutoglou. Then, she held her breath for a while and finally…“winner Enartia”.
The Head of Service Department of Enartia Group, the group of Papaki and TopHost, rushed to the stage to receive the award, profoundly touched. “We are a small organization with huge dreams” she said and right after that, she called the rest of the team on stage! It could not be anything different, since we have accomplished everything through a culture, where togetherness and team spirit play a dominant role.

Just after 11 the curtain of a brilliant event filled with hope and optimism has fallen. Holding the “Gold” within our hands, we took pictures, shared our thoughts and already began thinking about the future. We will carry on following the optimal practices in the customer service industry, constantly trying for innovative services and wow solutions! We will keep the optimistic cheer and, with the coming of the new year, we will schedule even more team trainings, in pursuit of even more innovative means of communicating with our customers.
Thank you for choosing us and through your feedback you have contributed greatly to our course so far! We stand by your side, and we will do whatever it takes, so that you remain by our side too, satisfied from our services, our customer care and our communication.
*The main picture and the selfie come from our personal stock. We gladly “borrowed” the rest from HCSI!
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