Why register a .ORG domain name?
Trusted across all backgrounds, ages and nationalities, .ORG is a destination where people trust to search for credible information, get involved and support or fund causes. One of the first domains to ever go out, .ORG inspires credibility and trust.
When you register a .ORG domain, your organisation is linked to a well-established TLD of trust and integrity. It's the No1 choice for organisations dedicated to serving the public interest and it is considered to be one of the most trusted TLDs on the internet.
If your organisation is non-commercial, people expect to find you in the .ORG community.
Commercial entities benefit from a .ORG domain as well. Registering with .ORG also protects your brand and trademark as represented in other domain name TLD registrations.
.ORG is open for registrations to everyone. Some examples are non-profits, families, individuals, schools, foundations, industry associations etc. Even commercial businesses have .ORG sites focused on their non-profit activities, such as volunteer programs and charities.